We have noticed that one of most popular post was about skincare. So we have decided to do a post about tips for different skincare types (Oily skin, Oily T-Zone skin, "Normal" skin and dry skin). Hope you enjoy :)
Oily skin: For Oily skin we would advice to use a none-oil moisturiser/face cream. This will keep you skin oil more balanced and won't produce more oil for your skin. Clean&Clear have a range of none-oil products, so check them out!
Oily T-Zone skin: Quite a lot of us have skin like this, (basically means your forehead, nose and chin are oily.) Again using some none-oil products would help as it will help balance out the oils on you skin. Meaning that your T-Zone will become less oily but other parts of your face will stay "normal."
"Normal" skin: Now when we say "normal" skin, it's not really "normal" as most people have a oily T-Zone, meaning that should be labelled "normal." But if you have "normal" skin it means your skin isn't to dry, and isn't to oily. So we would advice just to use a normal moisturiser as using none-oily products may actually make your skin more dry.
Dry skin: If you have dry skin having a moisturiser with oil will actually help. Just make sure you use your moisturiser twice a day.
Hope this helped you guys, don't forget to follow/subscribe and see you tomorrow or later! Xoxo
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